How long does it take to drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco?
2006-03-28 15:00:36 UTC
How long does it take to drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco?
Five answers:
2006-03-28 20:50:07 UTC
If you take Interstate 5 and cut over around the Salinas area to 101, about 6 hours.

If you take 101 directly about 6 1/2 - 7 hours.

Now, if you are like most people and drive around 80, you can get to LA in about 5 1/2 hours.
2006-03-28 15:04:35 UTC
5 to 8 hours
Pie Man
2006-03-28 15:01:44 UTC
Anywhere from 5 to 9 hours.
2006-03-28 20:26:47 UTC
Approx 6 hours. Very mountainous roads.
2006-03-30 20:02:26 UTC
average 6 hours

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