Ah the big 18 has arrived. My kids now 28 and 25 tried to live being 18 all in one week.
Where are you coming from? How far in your car? What if you spend past that 2 months supply of money? and still dont have a job?
If I were you , before you move here (I live in Calif.) get on the internet and check out the newspaper classifieds in the area you think you want to move to, there are bunches and more of homeowners that have rooms for rent. some have the internet hook ups , pools, private entrance, laundry facility etc. If youre gonna move in with a room mate and chances are they are a stranger, youre better off where youre renting from the homeowners are stable and you only have to be responsible for around $500.00 a month for a room. Not like if youre room mate is irresponsible and doesnt have their part of the rent , then you both get evicted and lose your place . then things start to get ugly
we have more than any ones share of homeless and on the street people. This is no joke, there are alot of dangerous things happen in California. Its a lot of people from alot of walks of life here. And the beauty makeup hair skills are more competitive because of this being the place where the beauty thing is what everyone want s to do . be a hair dresser to the stars. The only other competitive job close falls next is dental assisting. oh and nails. More than enough frustration there i am sure.
Seriously find a decent homeowner with a room to rent like in a nice area and do a little background check on them, and find good people , move in with them. they are more security for you while youre trying to get settled. God Bless you and good luck.
If I can be of help just email me. Youre parents must be saddened by you moving.